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I don't tell stories so that people listen to me, I tell stories so that people listen to themselves.

Emilie Andrade contando histórias no Irã

Hi, I'm Emilie Andrade and becoming a storyteller since 2010. I'm a curious Gemini, mother of three girls and creator of Sementeira, a social initiative that offers artistic and learning experiences online and offline, in Brazil and beyond.

We create learning experiences that help people work with stories not only as an art form, but also as a practice of transformation, connection and care.

our events are made for those who want to live (or offer) meaningful encounters with stories. we create fun and inspiring storytelling sessions, performances, gatherings and talks.

everything we do is about reconnecting people to their favorite stories about who they are, who they want to become and the world they want to live in. knowing these stories allows us to hold space for choices and, therefore, for freedom.

Um pouco da minha trajetória...

... com as histórias:

  • As mil e uma noites - Gislayne Matos - 2018

  • The (com)passionate path of storytelling – Retiro intensivo com Laura Simms – 2015 – País de Gales

  • Storytelling Mentor Program – Programa de mentoria on-line para contadores de histórias - 2013 - com Laura Simms (N.Y. - USA)

  • Oficina Corpo, Respiração e Palavra – Paço do Baobá - 2012 - com Regina Machado

... com a terapia narrativa:

  • Formação em Terapia Narrativa e Trabalho Comunitário - Reciclando Mesntes/RJ + Dulwich Center/Austrália - 2021

  • Aprenctice Journey - Chené Swart/África do Sul - 2020


... com o teatro e a dança:

  • Especialização: Técnica Klauss Vianna – 2015 - PUC (SP)

  • Graduação em Artes Cênicas - 2006 - Universidade São Judas Tadeu (SP)

  • Iniciação à Linguagem do Clown – Doutores da Alegria - 2008

  • Núcleo de Direção Teatral do Teatro Vocacional - 2007

  • Onde está o clown? - Solar da mímica - 2007

... com a educação, o design e as teorias de mudança:

  • Learning Arches on-line Bootcamp - Kaos Pilot - out. 2022

  • Laddership Pod - Service Space - agosto de 2022

  • U.Lab 1x - Presencing Institute - jul. a dez. 2020

  • Fluxonomia 4D - futurismo e novas economias - 2018

  • Licenciatura Plena em Artes - Centro Universitário Belas Artes (SP) - 2008​

of what we are and what we do


we continually prepare ourselves to be able to embrace the unexpected and recognize its gifts.


in us, in the path we chose and in all the people we are lucky to meet.


we care for the invisible, the mystery, the grace and the beauty in all there is and so we try to remain attentive to them.



interdependece is a fact and that is why all the projects we create or are part of are born from collaboration, deep listening and mutual care.



In 2021, Sementeira was one of three initiatives awarded by Natural One's Coletivo Natural project. 

In this video they tell a little about our story.

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